Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Obama opens US coastline to drilling, wants to build nuclear reactors. Another vindication for conservatives.

If I were a liberal, I would hardly be able to control my frustration with President Obama.  Aside from his victory on health care reform, liberals have a laundry list of broken campaign promises from the President, including:

  1. Withdrawing troops from Iraq - No
  2. Closing down Gitmo - No
  3. Repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" - No
  4. Supporting same-sex marriage - No
Well, add at least #s 5 & 6 to the list: President Obama just approved contracts to explore and drill for oil of the East Coast of the United States.  According to the New York Times, even if contracts are handed out, the drilling will not begin "for years."  This is in addition to his announcement that new nuclear reactors would be built in Georgia, pending approval.

Is this not yet another example of conservative views winning the day?  It is easy to criticize from the outside looking in, saying that if you were king of the forest, you would do A, B, or C differently.  As usual, however, liberals look at the future in rose-colored glasses.  In their world, we will get the vast majority of our energy from wind farms, solar panels, and corn.  Never mind that liberals on Martha's Vineyard opposed putting wind turbines off their coast, claiming (correctly, but hypocritically) that it would spoil their pristine views.  Never mind that wind turbines kill thousands of migrating birds each year.  Never mind that a field of solar panels is a blight on the landscape, the benefits of which are in far disproportion to the energy generated.  Never mind that the production of ethanol for vehicles uses enough corn in one year to feed 330 million people during the same amount of time, and uses an enormous amount of water.  But the liberal continues to live in his fantasy world, where the above solutions are seen as realistic.

And the conservative?  While he recognizes the importance of developing the above alternative sources of energy (to an extent), he favors a reduction in reliance on oil produced by America-hating-, freedom-suppressing-, terror-supporting regimes by.............drilling at home!  Of course, we should develop alternative sources of energy, but conservatives have been supporting this for years.  It's called "nuclear energy."  France gets approximately 80% of its energy from nuclear power; let's ask them how they dispose of the waste.

So, hats off to President Obama for this directive.  No need to acknowledge that conservatives have been advocating this for years.  We just want to see results which will benefit America.

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