Monday, May 31, 2010

Gaza flotilla "peace activists" vs. the IDF

It is important that those of us who truly care about peace have the tools necessary to counter the undoubtedly negative press Israel is sure to receive for the Gaza flotilla.  Follow your local media to see if they report the events fairly.  Please see this link from for information about what is really going on off our coastline in Israel right now. 

Watch the videos of an Israeli soldier being beaten by a "peace activist," and how the Israel Navy offered to let the "peace activists" themselves observe the transfer of humanitarian goods to Gaza's civilian population.  We Israelis have no desire for the innocent civilians in Gaza to suffer; what we want is to prevent supplies from being stolen by Hamas and used to prepare for another deadly offensive against us.

May God protect the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces as they deal with these "peace activists."


  1. "We Israelis have no desire for the innocent civilians in Gaza to suffer; what we want is to prevent supplies from being stolen by Hamas and used to prepare for another deadly offensive against us"

    If only it was that clear:

  2. Elan, is it not possible it is a combination of the two? Has Israel not earned the right to impose some collective punishment?

    It is quite difficult to distinguish between combatants and civilians in Gaza. Is a family which allows its home to be used as a weapons depot to be classified as civilians? The world seems to think so. I would classify them as enemy combatants, just like one who picks up a Kalashnikov. Are there many innocents suffering in Gaza? Without question. But the onus lies with those who almost daily call for Israel's destruction, and with those who elected this terrorist government, knowing full well what their positions were. The Palestinian people made this bed, and now they have to sleep in it.


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Inherit the Land's name comes from Deuteronomy 1:8, where God commands the Israelites to take possession of the Land of Israel. On this blog, you may read articles of interest (as well as my views) related to the Middle East, Zionism, world events, religion, politics, sports, and more. I look forward to reading your thoughts, as well. Thank you for visiting.