Thursday, August 6, 2009

Iran and North Korea - Talking while working

Dana Summers, Orlando Sentinel - This about sums it up. President Obama has made it clear he plans on engaging Iran and North Korea with no preconditions. Just talk to them, see what their concerns are, see where we can see eye to eye. After all, you can't only talk to your friends, right? Are President Obama and his supporters so blind to the notion that when you negotiate with thuggish or illegitimate governments, you are giving them an international seal of approval?

At what point will President Obama understand that it is futile to have any dealings with such governments? When they actually possess a nuclear device? Then it will be too late, and the response from the White House will be, "At least we tried. Best of luck to you, Israel."

It all comes down to Psalms 120:7 - "I am for peace, but when I speak of it, they are for war." This explains Middle East politics perfectly. Middle East actors understand one thing, and one thing only: power. If they sense you are negotiating from a position of weakness (which is what they feel with America and Israel), they will go for the jugular. They will interpret your "good-will gestures" as a sign that you can be defeated, perhaps now, perhaps later. But you will be defeated. The only response to those who announce they wish to destroy you is to take them at their word. Do not rely on others for help. Take your enemy's word seriously, and destroy him. The alternative will be disastrous.

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