Monday, July 27, 2009

Charles Krauthammer on ObamaCare

In his July 24, 2009 column, the Washington Post's Charles Krauthammer points out that President Obama's health care reform (read transformation) package is beginning to collapse. As more and more people (including Democrats!) work their way through the more than 1,000 pages of legislation, they are realizing the folly of implementing it. Krauthammer has 3 main points:
  1. President Obama claims that soaring medical costs are destroying the economy. Then the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office announced that the President's plan would increase costs by $1 trillion (yes, that's a "t"). Oops.
  2. President Obama claims that health care reform is above politics, that it is completely for the American people. Really? says Krauthammer. Then why do we not hear anything about reforming the malpractice system, where doctors must pay between tens- and hundreds of thousands of dollars every year in malpractice insurance? Answer: because trial lawyers make up a large percentage of Democratic Party contributors. You think they want to see changes in the torts system? I think not. But remember, this is not about politics, right?
  3. Another source of great medical financial waste is the unnecessary tests ordered by (understandably!) lawsuit-fearful doctors. Why are they fearful? Surprise! It's the trial lawyers again. The doctors know that if they do not order the smallest test for a patient, the patient may turn around the next day and sue, claiming, "Why didn't you try everything?" Because we have to consider the greater good of society, dear patient. And if it so important to have that test, pay for it yourself, or with some caring friends and family members. But keep the insurance companies (and higher premiums for the rest of us) out of it.
President Obama is hanging his hat on health care reform. The hat's about to fall.

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