Monday, February 25, 2013

Some soul-searching needed in Islam

A Muslim terror cell was recently broken up in Britain.  A number of its members were British-born and raised.  Among their plans for terror were: poisoning hand creams and smearing them on car door handles, and welding blades to a truck, which would then be driven into a crowd of people.  Their goal was to dwarf all previous terror attacks on British soil.

Here is my question: If there would be a similar percentage of Christians or Jews who would either carry out, or plot to engage in, terror attacks as do Muslims (who freely claim their are doing it in the name of Islam), do you think the Christian and Jewish worlds would engage in some soul searching?  Perhaps along the lines of "Why are these people distorting our faith?" or "Is there something in our faith which supports these acts, and upon which they are basing their crimes?"

To even bring up an issue like this opens one up to charges of Islamophobia.  I welcome such charges.  Keep burying your heads in the sand.  But a phobia, by definition, is a baseless fear.  Do you really think peace-loving people, non-Muslim OR Muslim, have nothing to fear from a large number of Muslims who claim they are acting in the name of Islam?  Do you think it is just an unfortunate coincidence that nearly all acts of terror in the world today are carried out by those who claim they are acting in the name of Islam?

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